Red Whale | GP Update delivers courses throughout the UK, catering to over 10,000+ General Practitioners every year. They wanted to expand their scale and outsource the operational aspects so they could focus on the training content.
Event Management Services took on the organisational responsibility and now manages the logistics process from start to finish. We secure venues for the 70+ courses that Red Whale | GP Update runs each year, ensuring the facilities, catering and service requirements are fully met – consistently exceeding our client’s expectations.
EMS has extensive local knowledge and relationships with hundreds of venue contacts throughout the UK so we are able to source the best locations. Sometimes that needs innovative thinking: we are not afraid to think outside the box when it comes to alternative venues. We are confident negotiators and always ensure high quality service at the best possible rates to remain within budget, delivering the required quality.
The EMS events team liaises with venues from initial search, to contract, to on-site set up and all aspects of event management on the day. Our ‘unflappable’ on site managers are always on hand to answer any delegate questions and overcome any unforeseen obstacles, quietly and efficiently. This guarantees that every event runs as smoothly as possible and leaves the GP Update trainers free to concentrate on the content and delivering added-value to the delegates.
Martin Haley, CEO of Red Whale |GP Update, said “We needed a partner that had strong negotiating power with venues, great attention to detail, and a friendly professional manner with the 10,000+ delegates we welcome on our training courses each year. We found that partner in EMS.”